Hangman Plus includes a variety of different methods of choosing the next word to be guessed. You will probably find all of these methods useful at different times. You can enter a word one word at a time, you can use words from a list that you supply (a vocabulary list, for instance), or, you can let the program randomly choose a word from among built-in categories of words you select.
Enter Word... - Select this menu item to enter your own word one at a time. This is a fun way to play the game if two (or more) people are playing together. If you would like to enter your own word, or short phrase, (while your friend turns his or her back), you should choose this option. The word, or short phrase, should be 21 characters in length or less.
Edit Custom Words... - Select this item to bring up the "Edit Custom Words" Dialog. This dialog allows you to enter and modify a list of words, perhaps from a weekly vocabulary list. Later, words from this list can be randomly chosen for use in the game.
Add Button - Click this button after entering a word in the edit text area of the dialog. If accepted, that word will be added to the current list of words on the left, known as the custom Word List.
Delete - Click this button to delete the selected word in the Word List.
Delete All - Click this button to delete all the words in the Word List. (You will be asked to verify this is indeed what you really want to do.)
Open - Click this button to open a list of words (a standard text file of words with one word on each line). If there are already words in the Word List, you will be asked to verify that you wish to over-write the existing list.
Save - Click this button to save the Word List as a standard text file, with one word on each line. This file can then be used later by the program. (Each student in a class might have his or her own vocabulary list.)
Append - Click this button to append a list of words to the current words in the list.
Sort - Click this button to alphabetically sort the list of words in the Word List.
Done - Click this button when you are finished working on the current Word List. The words in the Word List will become the current list of Custom Words, and will be saved automatically by the program so the next time you use the program, the words will be remembered. (Note: When you wish to actually use the custom words you have generated, you should choose the next option "Use Custom Words".)
Use Custom Words - Select this menu item to have the program randomly choose a word from among the list of words you created using the "Edit Custom Words" Dialog. When chosen, this menu item will have a checkmark next to it. This item will be grayed out if there are no words in the current Custom Word List.
Edit Random Categories... - Select this item to bring up the "Edit Random Categories" Dialog. This dialog allows you to select from which of the many built-in categories of words, a random word will be chosen. By default, all the categories are selected, so that the random word may be any word from any category. Use this dialog if you wish to restrict from which categories a random word will be chosen.
Use Random Words - Select this menu item to have the program randomly choose a word from among the list of words in the categories you've chosen in the "Edit Random Categories" Dialog. When chosen, this menu item will have a checkmark next to it. This item cannot be selected unless at least one category is selected from the "Edit Random Categories" Dialog.
Built-in Categories - This program includes many built-in categories of words. If you choose any single category, then a random word from that category of words will always be chosen for the next "game word".